Fungal nail disease is called onychomycosis and is caused by pathogenic fungi (dermatophytes).
Most often, the fungus affects the nails, less often - the skin. People infected with onychomycosis are mainly people who lead a healthy lifestyle - in swimming pools, saunas, on the beach.
The symptoms of onychomycosis cannot be confused with anything as the shiny and smooth nail becomes cloudy, rough and thickened. Yellow, gray and brown spots appear on it, as well as streaks or dents. The roll of skin around the nail becomes inflamed and swollen. Nails can peel and crumble, and they sometimes sit behind the nail bed.
nail fungus treatment
Detecting a fungal disease is easy, but getting rid of it is much harder. The treatment process is laborious and requires a lot of time and patience. The first results of therapy appear no earlier than 2 weeks after starting treatment, and the entire period takes from 6 to 12 months.
The danger of fungal nail infection is that during the disease, immunity decreases, allergic reactions appear, and chronic diseases worsen.
Fungal disease therapy is different and depends on the area affected by the fungus and its type. Combination therapy is most often used when drugs for internal use and local antifungal agents are combined.
Preparations for local therapy are different, but one of the most effective is antifungal varnish, which covers the diseased nail. Other local remedies can be applied to the skin.
Measures to prevent fungal nail infections
According to statistics, 20% of the world population suffers from fungal diseases, so it is important to follow disease prevention and individual protection measures.
Effective preventive measures include the following:
- Before visiting public places of recreation, treat your feet with an antifungal ointment or any local remedy.
- After visiting the pool or sauna, treat your feet and hands with a saline solution or bathe with 72% washing powder.
- Wear comfortable shoes and monitor sweaty feet so that conditions are not created for a fungal infection to grow and develop.
- Strictly follow the rules and norms of personal hygiene (individual use of shoes, slippers, underwear).
- Do not walk on the beach barefoot, but wear light shoes.